
This package provides methods for numerical propagation of a complex wave in free space. The available propagators are the angular spectrum method (helmholtz) and the Fresnel approximation (fresnel). Both implementations are convolution-based. The angular spectrum method is suited for near-field propagation (numerical focusing) and yields better results than the Fresnel approximation. The single Fourer transform-based Fresnel propagation method which is suitable for far-field propagation is not implemented in this package.

Obtaining nrefocus

You can install nrefocus via:

pip install nrefocus

If you would like to take advantage of fast Fourer transforms with PyFFTW, please also install the pyfftw package or use the extras key FFTW:

pip install nrefocus[FFTW]

The source code of nrefocus is available at

Citing nrefocus

Please cite this package if you are using it in a scientific publication.

This package should be cited like this 1.

You can find out what version you are using by typing (in a Python console):

>>> import nrefocus
>>> nrefocus.__version__


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 282060.



Paul Müller (2013) nrefocus: Python algorithms for numerical focusing (Version x.x.x) [Software]. Available at